TM 55-1930-209-14&P-11d.Push keyboard key 2 (prompt EDIT THIS ONE). Make sure video monitor displays switch information with switchlabel at top of page and prompts in upper right corner. Make sure cursor is on the line with 'SWITCH ACTIVE"e.Push keyboard key 2 (prompt EDIT THIS ONE) again. Make sure cursor extends all the way to the right.NOTEWhen switch is deactivated, the word DEACTIVATED appears In place of switch emblem.After switch Is repaired or replaced, switch Is reactivated. The word DEACTIVATEDdisappears and switch emblem again appears on video monitor.f.To activate switch, push keyboard key "0" and to deactivate switch, press keyboard key 1.g.Push ENTER keyboard key. Note that cursor willshorten.h.Push EDIT keyboard key to leave edit mode and return EMS video monitor to normal scanning or push keyboardkey 3 (prompt SELECT NEW SWITCH) to return to display page.i.When display page appears on video monitor, take one of these three actions.(1)Push keyboard key 1 (prompt ADVANCE CURSOR) to move cursor to select new switch.(2)Push keyboard key 3 (prompt SELECT NEW PAGE) to select a new display page.(3)Push keyboard key 4 (prompt RETURN TO EDIT MENU) to return to EDIT MENU3-6.2.4 Using EDIT MENU option 3 to activate/deactivate totalizersNOTETotalizers are activated/deactivated for the same reason and in a similar manner toactivating/deactivating sensors in paragraph 3-6.2.1. Deactivating a totalizer stops mainprocessor from monitoring that particular switch. Deactivation may be necessary when atotalizer is malfunctioning, Is displaying false Information on video monitor screen displaypage and Is activating alarms when no problem exists. When a totalizer Is deactivated, theword DEACTIVATED appears In place of the totalizer emblem on video monitor. After totalizerhas been repaired or replaced, totalizer Is reactivated. The word DEACTIVATED disappearsand totalizer emblem again appears on video monitor.a.Push keyboard key 3 (EDIT MENU option ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE/PRESET TOTALIZERS). Make sure pageselect prompt in step 3-6.2.1 a appears on video monitor.b.Push POTABLE WATER TANKS keyboard key that shows TOTAL TANKS totalizer data (Figure 3-7).(1)Make sure display page chosen is shown on video monitor.(2)If highlighted instructions called "prompts" shown below are displayed on the screen and totalizer is doubleintensity, go to step c.1 - ADVANCE CURSOR2 - EDIT THIS ONE3 - SELECT NEW PAGE4 - RETURN TO EDIT MENU(3)If screen flashes, indicating display page has no totalizer, either press another display key or press EDITkey to return to EDIT MENU.3-18
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