This manual contains system technical information above the Installation Manual level, and in fact builds on that
information. Therefore, it will be to your advantage to familiarize yourself with both the Operators Manual and the
Installation Manual for your particular system before proceeding. it is expected further, that the reader is a technician
with a working knowledge of electrical circuits, the ability to use a digital volt ohm meter, and some basic
electrical/electronics troubleshooting experience.
The following paragraphs give brief descriptions of the additional sections in this manual.
Section II is intended to provide you with a better understanding of the internal system components, their functions and
locations. This will aid your troubleshooting and repair of the system which is generally performed by replacing the
defective sensor, PC board or module.
The Complete Edit Mode operating definitions and instructions are given in Section III. Use of this mode (as opposed to
the Limited Edit Mode whose instructions are in the PMS II Operators Manual) will enable you to change the system's
Data Base, thereby editing the individual sensor calibration, operating parameters, alarm set points-,-etc.
Section IV contains the Calibration Procedures used to calculate new values for a sensor's Data Base. These values are
then entered into the system memory via the Complete Edit Mode.
To make repairs adequately, it is necessary that you have access to a complete set of spare modules. A representative
list of these is in Section V. in those systems having multiple keyboards, monitors, etc. , it may be possible to make an
emergency repair by substituting certain sub-assemblies.
The PMS II system must be electrically isolated from the vessel's hull. Section VI describes the conditions and testing
procedures required to ensure proper operation.
System circuit fuses are listed and described in Section VII. Section VIII outlines the sensor simulator test box whose
use is covered in the following section.
A complete system troubleshooting guide is presented in Section IX.
Manufacturers' manuals for the printer and video monitor (as required) are found in Section X. These may be referred to
for adjustment and/or repair of these units.
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