TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Table 4-1. Major Components of Chlorination System (Continued)
Drip pan sump
Discharges drainage
Void 2 port outboard
tank and pump
from chlorination unit
of chlorination unit
directly overboard
Metering pump
Injects measured amounts of
Void 2 port on in-
chlorine into ROWPU product
board bulkhead forward
water stream
Chlorine sensor
Senses amount of chlorine being
Void 3 port in product
injected into ROWPU product
water overhead piping
water stream
Metering pump
Starts and stops metering pump
Void 2 port on inboard
motor controller
bulkhead forward
Metering pump
Controls amount of chlorine
Void 2 on inboard
control unit
being injected into ROWPU
bulkhead forward
product water by controlling
metering pump operation
Paddle flow switch
Automatically starts and
Void 3 port in
stops metering pump when
product water
motor controller is in
overhead piping
AUTO mode
4-3 Chlorination system description. The chlorination system generates a strong solution of sodium hypochlorite (commonly
called chlorine) for treating water produced by the Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPU's). Adding this solution to the
water makes it safe for human consumption. A metering pump adds this solution, upon demand, to water processed by the ROWPU
system just before the water enters the four drinking water storage tanks. The chlorination system's major components are shown in
Figure 4-1 for Barge 1 and in Figure 4-2 and for Barges 2 and 3. Major components are listed in Table 4-1. The system generates
and maintains a 5000 to 6000 parts per million (ppm) solution of chlorine and then meters this solution into product water from the
ROWPU I system to obtain a chlorine concentration of 5 to 7 ppm in the drinking water.
4-2 Change 1