TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Table 5-1. Major Components of Drinking Water System (cont.)
Flow sensor
Monitors drinking water
Void 3 port - in
flow rate, transmits data
discharge pump
to monitoring system and
discharge line
indicates flow rate on meter
Pressure sensor
Monitors drinking water
Void 3 port - in
pressure, transmits data
discharge pump
to monitoring system
discharge line
Pressure gauge
Indicates pressure in
Void 3 port - in
discharge line
discharge pump
discharge line
Water filter
Filters any impurities
Void 3 port - in
in drinking water
pressure set
discharge line
5 washdown stations
For washing down decks and
4 stations in ROWPU
shore discharge hose during
space and 1 on top of
Personal hygiene
Weatherdeck forward
2 motor controllers
Control automatic and
Void 3 port on aft
discharge pumps
manual operation of
1 and 2
discharge pumps
Motor controller
Controls manual operation
Void 3 port near filter
pressure set
of pressure set
for water
2 remote switches
Control remote operation
ROWPU space on
for discharge
of discharge pumps
forward bulkhead
pumps 1 and 2
Pump and storage
Selects discharge pump
Void 3 port on aft
tank selection switch
and storage tank whose
liquid level switches auto-
matically start and stop
discharge pump
5-3 Drinking water system description. The drinking water system provides storage for water produced by the ROWPU system
and discharges it to shore, or another vessel, or for use onboard the barge. The pressure set supplies onboard drinking water to the
reserve tank the dayroom drinking fountain and sink, the shower on the forward deck, the four washdown stations in the ROWPU
space, the chlorination system in void 2 port, and to the washdown station on deckhouse top (Figure 5-1). The system has a total
storage capacity of 15,000 gallons plus 250 gallons reserve and operates in a maximum allowable sea state 3 condition.