System Activation:
The entire operational cycle is triggered by a single two level sensor which is located in the holding tank cover.
As Hypochlorite solution is withdrawn from the holding tank, the low level sensor is triggered which immediately operates
the main power relay which supplies voltage to the brine pump, circulating pump, cold water solenoid valve and to each
cell. Chlorine is generated and will continue to be generated until the tank is filled and the high level sensor shuts down
the system. The system will remain off until the low level is once again reached at which time the cycle repeats itself.
This cycling and recycling will continue as long as Sodium Hypochlorite (chlorine) is withdrawn.
Modes of Operation:
Two modes of operation are possible with the R/A System, i.e., a constant withdrawal mode or a bulk withdrawal
A constant withdrawal mode requires that the number of gallons of Hypochlorite withdrawn during any period does not
exceed the make-up rate for the particular model (see general specifications on page 3,
In the bulk withdrawal mode a large quantity of Hypochlorite can be withdrawn at one time providing the total
quantity withdrawn does not lower the level below the low level mark (see total drawdown volumes in the general
specification table (page 3.) If this mode is selected, sufficient time must be allowed for the system to replenish the
chlorine used. This can be ideally accomplished during periods of low demand or after normal working hours.