TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
(c) Press EMS keyboard ACK key to stop alarms and automatically change red flashing POTABLE WATER
TANKS key to white and stop flashing display on video monitor POTABLE WATER TANKS display page This
display (tank no 1,2, 3, or 4) continues to show in double intensity until problem is solved
(d) Check video monitor POTABLE WATER TANKS display page to find the overflowing tank(s)
(e) Isolate overflowing tank(s) by closing drinking water valves as follows'
Tank 1 close DW 1 and DW 6,
Tank 2 close DW 2 and DW 7,
Tank 3 close DW 3 and DW 8,
Tank 4 close DW 4 and DW 9.
Continue discharging drinking water from remaining tanks by starting discharge pump by turning
HAND/OFF/AUTO switch on motor controller to AUTO.
(g) Drain off enough water from isolated tank(s) through sampling valve(s) until water level reaches normal high
level as indicated on liquid level Indicator
(h) Troubleshoot as provided In Chapter 4, Table 4-1, problem 13.
Upon completion of troubleshooting, open valves closed in step (e) when remaining tanks are as full as
isolated tank(s).
If alarms are activated by tank high liquid level switch due to a malfunctioning pump, perform the following
(a) Stop discharge pump by moving HAND/OFF/AUTO switch on motor controller to OFF.
Press red flashing POTABLE WATER TANKS key on EMS keyboard to change EMS video monitor ALARM
display page back to POTABLE WATER TANKS display page.
(c) Press EMS keyboard ACK key to stop alarms and automatically change red flashing POTABLE WATER TAN
KS key to white and Stop flashing display on video monitor POTABLE WATER TANKS display page. This
display (tank 1, 2, 3, or 4) will continue to show In double intensity until problem Is solved.
(d) On Barge 1, position valve DW12 for discharge pump 1 or 2 On Barges 2 and 3, position valve DW12 for
pump 1 or valve DW18 for pump 2 to allow water to bypass nonfunctioning pump.
(e) Reposition pump selection switch (Figure 3-1).
On discharge pump motor controller of pump selected in step (e) above, close main switch to ON. Then
position HAND/OFF/AUTO switch to AUTO.
Discharge pump starts and stops automatically.
(g) Troubleshoot as provided in Chapter 4, Table 4-1, problem 7.
If alarms are energized by tank low liquid level switch, while shore discharge pumps are operating normally,
perform the following:
(a) Stop discharge pump by moving HAND/OFF/AUTO switch on motor controller to OFF.
(b) Press red flashing POTABLE WATER TANKS key on EMS keyboard to change EMS video monitor ALARM
display page back to POTABLE WATER TANKS display page
(c) Press ACK key on EMS keyboard to stop alarms and automatically change red flashing POTABLE WATER
TANKS key to white and stop flashing display on video monitor POTABLE WATER TANKS display page This
display (tank 1, 2, 3, or 4) continues to show in double intensity until problem is solved.