TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6
Section I. General
4-1 Maintenance concept
4-1.1 Unit level and Intermediate Direct Support and Intermediate General Support (IDS/IGS) maintenance on ROWPU
drinking water shore discharge system equipment is performed onboard by barge crewmembers whenever possible.
4-1.2 Any IDS/IGS maintenance beyond capability of crewmembers is provided by a shore-based area support
maintenance unit. This unit also determines if depot support maintenance is required.
4-1.3 Intermediate support maintenance is accomplished by replacement of components or major end items.
4-1.4 Unless other intermediate support procedures are directed, IDS/IGS maintenance normally is provided by an Army
Transportation Corps floating craft intermediate support maintenance unit serving terminal operating area. Components
to be disposed of are processed by this unit.
4-1.5 Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) is in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. For maintenance of other equipment
onboard, consult appropriate manual.
4-2 Maintenance procedures. Maintenance procedures are presented in the Sections that follow: Section II, Preventive
maintenance checks and services; Section III, Troubleshooting; and Section IV, Maintenance procedures. See TM 55-
1930-209-14&P-21 for shore winch maintenance procedures.
Section II. Preventive maintenance checks and services
4-3 See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6, Appendix C for preventive maintenance checks and services for the Shore Discharge
System. See TM 55-1930-209-1 4& P-1 9 for complete preventive maintenance checks and services for all ROWPU
Barge Systems.
Section III. Troubleshooting
4-4 Component
4-4.1 Winch hydraulic drive motor. Troubleshoot motor as given in the manufacturer's service manual/instructions in
Appendix B of this TM.
4-4.2 Levelwind hydraulic drive motor. Troubleshoot motor as given in in the manufacturer's service manual/instructions
in Appendix B of this TM.
4-5 Shore discharge system. Troubleshoot shore discharge system as given in Table 4-1. Additional troubleshooting
procedures are in manufacturer's service manual/instructions in Appendix B. This table lists only common malfunctions
that may occur during operation. If a malfunction occurs that is not listed and the cause is not readily apparent, notify
IDS or IGS maintenance for assistance.