TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6
Table 4-1. Shore Discharge System Troubleshooting (continued)
Probable Cause
Suggested Action
5. PIG stuck or slowly moving
a. Valve SD2 closed
a. Open valve
through discharge hose
b. Station 6 compressed air
b. Open valve
valve closed
c. PIG launcher compressed
c. Tighten flange or replace
air flange leaking
d. Compressed air system
d. Troubleshoot compressed
air system
(TM 55-1930-209-14&P-7)
Section IV. Maintenance procedures
4-6 General. Maintenance of this system consists of disassembling, repairing, and/or replacing and reassembling the
items requiring repair parts listed in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. No special tools are required. When performing
maintenance, be sure to follow these general shop procedures.
Turn off electrical power before performing maintenance on this system. OPEN circuit breaker
and redtag circuit breaker or motor controller with an appropriate warning. Observe safety
precautions In this TM and In manufacturers' manual/instructions.
Always use new seals and gaskets, same as original, when reassembling components that have been
disassembled for repair. Carefully install so as not to damage during assembly.
When replacing gaskets, make sure all mating surfaces are clean and free of old gasket material, adhesive oil, or
grease. These precautions will ensure a leakproof joint.
When replacing O-ring seals, make sure all surfaces are thoroughly clean and free of grit, dirt, and foreign
material. Prior to installation, apply a thin coat of protective lubricant to O-ring for ease of assembly. Protect the
O-ring by applying tape over threads, sharp comers, or edges.
When replacing or repairing electrical components, follow procedures for soldering in TB SIG 222. Crimp
connections as shown in Figure 4-1. Check all groundings. Check that all current-carrying members are properly
insulated to avoid short circuiting. Check for abrasion and chafed insulation on wires and cables. Repair with
tape or replace as necessary.
When replacing bearings, follow procedures in TM 9-214. Lubricate bearings with recommended lubricant.
When installing bearing on shafts, apply pressure to inner race. When installing bearings in housing, apply
pressure to outer race.
Weld in accordance with TM 9-237. Welding can be used to repair cracks and breaks in steel parts such as
bracket, panels and light framework. Weld only when replacement parts are not available because of a chance
of failure later.
Be sure that electric power is off before performing maintenance. Observe all safety precautions
In this manual and manufacturers' manuals and instructions.