TM 55-1930-209-14&P-8
Table 4-1. Fuel Oil System Troubleshooting (Continued)
Possible Cause
Suggested Action
b. Shutdown system off
b. Turn on
c. Supply line clogged
c. Unclog line
or damaged
3. Fuel will not transfer
a. FO valve(s) 18,19 or 25
a. Open valve(s)
to 20 kW SAG
b. Shutdown system off
b. Turn on
c. Supply line clogged
c. Unclog line
or damaged
or repair
4. Fuel will not transfer
a. FO valve(s) 14, 19 or 26
a. Open valve(s)
to ROWPU 1 HP pump
b. Shutdown system off
b. Turn on
c. Supply line clogged
c. Unclog line
or damaged
or repair
D. Fueling workboat (paragraph 3-3.4):
1. Fuel will not flow to
a. FO valve(s) 11 and/or 12
a. Open valve(s)
workboat fuel oil tank
b. Nozzle malfunctioning
b. Repair or replace
c. Supply line clogged
c. Unclog line
or damaged
or repair
E. Transferring fuel from storage tank to storage tank (paragraph 3-3.5):
1. Fuel will not transfer
a. Fuel transfer pump circuit
a. Close circuit
from port to starboard
breaker 2P5 on power
panel tank
1 open
b. Fuel oil transfer pump
b. Troubleshoot
pump per TSM000
pages 5-8.
Appendix B
c. Pump motor controller
c. Troubleshoot con-
troller as described
in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9
d. FO valve(s) 7, 8, 10, 22
d. Open valve(s)
or 30 closed (Note: Valve
30 installed on Barges 2
and 3 only)
e. Fuel filter clogged
e. Clean or charge
f. Fuel oil line or check
f. Unclog line
valve clogged
or repair check