b. Connections:
Connect 8+ to terminals 12, 18, 20.
Connect B- to terminal 11.
Connect engine crank solenoid to terminal 20 and B-.
Connect engine run solenoid (or governor control B+ terminal) to terminal 19 and B-.
Connect low oil pressure shut-down signal to terminal 14. The OPR relay contact from
terminal 14 to 9 closes 15 to 45 seconds after engine runs.
Connect low oil pressure warning signal (when used) to terminal 16. The OPR relay contact
from terminal 16 to 15 closes 15 to 45 seconds after engine run.
Connect crank cut-out to terminal 13 either positive or negative.
Connect all engine failure signals to terminal 10. All signals must be of the same polarity either
positive or negative. When used in conjunction with an LM-4 Light Module, the comon failure
output on the LM-4 provides this signal to the Autostart.
For signle light Autostart operation, connect the common failure light to terminal 29 and B+.
Common failure jumper "F" must be in place for dingle light operation, (see jumper selection
Terminal 30 goes to ground in reset (off) position of engine control switch. This signal is used
to reset the Light Module.
Connect the engine control switch as shown:
Terminal 33 is a regulated 8 volt supply.
Terminal 32 arms the engine failure lockout and the remote start contact.
Terminal 31 will start cranking the engine to run by the manual switch or the remote
start contact.
Jumper Selection:
Voltage Jumper:
This jumper is located directly behing terminal 8 and is marked "V". When this
jumper is in place the system is ready to operate at 12 to 24 VDC. When clipped out
the system is ready to operate at 32 VDC.
Re-Crank Jumper:
This jumper is red insulated and located next to the large 2200 MFD capacitor and
marked "C". When in place the system can be manually re-cranked immediately after
an engine shut down signal. When clipped out the system will re-crank only after a
20 second time delay after an engine shut down signal. Re-crank delay is always in
effect, independent of jumper, when the engine control switch is in the automatic