Disassembly and Assembly
Crankshaft Rear Seal And
Wear Sleeve
c. Install seal (6) on wear sieve (2) from the end of the
wear sleeve that has the bevel on the outside diameter.
Make sure the lip of the seal is toward the inside of the
engine and the bevel that is on the outside diameter of
the wear sleeve is toward the outside of the engine when
d. Use 6V1541 Quick Cure Primer to clean the outside of
crankshaft flange (3) and the inside diameter of wear
sleeve (2).
e. Put 9S3265 Retaining Compound on the outside
diameter of crankshaft flange (3) and the inside diameter
of wear sleeve (2).
NOTE Make sure the lip of the seal is toward the inside
of the engine, and the outside .diameter bevel of the
wear sleeve is toward the outside of the engine.
f. Put wear sleeve (2) with seal (6) on locator (1). Put
installer (4) on locator (1), and install nut (5). Put
lubrication on.the face of the washer and the nut.
g. Tighten nut (5) until installer (4) comes in contact with
locator (1).
h. Remove tooling (A), and check the wear sleeve and
seal for correct installation.
j. Remove all excess sealant.
END BY: a. install flywheel
Flywheel Housing
Remove Flywheel Housing 1157-011
Tools Needed
Link Bracket
a. remove flywheel
b. remove crankshaft rear seal and wear sleeve
c. remove electric starting motor
Remove the crankshaft rear seal and wear sleeve only if
the engine is equipped with the later design seal. The
later design seal can be identified by the rotation marks
on the seal.
1. Remove the bolts that hold the oil pan plate to the
flywheel housing. Loosen the bolts that hold the oil pan
plate to the cylinder block.
2. Install spacers between the oil pan plate and the
cylinder block to hold the oil pan plate away from the
flywheel housing.
3. On 3306 Engines, remove turbocharger oil drain pipe
4. Install tooling (A) on the flywheel housing as shown,
and fasten a hoist to it.
5. Remove all bolts (2) and the flywheel housing from the
engine. The weight of the flywheel housing is 37 kg (82