TM 9-4940-342-14&P
10 Change 1
Close all service valves (fig 2-1, indexes 7, 9,
14, 17, 22, 31, 32, 33 and 38).
Be sure switches (fig 2-1, indexes 1, 3 and 4)
are OFF.
Set electrical disconnect switch (20) to ON
(lever up), check that motor reset switch (21) has been
reset if required.
Set selector valve (8) to low volume position
(lever horizontal) that provides 300 GPH.
Open shut-off valve (17) if using water under
pressure as source, or open auxiliary water valve (22) if
using standing water not under pressure.
Open one of the discharge valves (32).
Open on-fuel-off valve (33) and strainer valve
Turn on pump control switch (4), allow water to
run out of cleaning nozzle for a minimum of 6 minutes.
Secure cleaning nozzle to prevent whipping.
Turn on low burner switch (1). Cleaner should
start, providing 300 GPH of solution.
If starting after a flame failure, an automatic seven-second purge
period is required. If burner starts and then shuts down, and the
indicator light (2) is on, then this indicates a flame failure lockout.
Reset burner reset switch (25).
If while operating this equipment, a flameout occurs, fault isolate
the problem prior to trying a restart. Under no conditions should
this machine be tried to start more than twice. If excess fuel is
present, the burner assembly must be removed and excess fuel
evacuated. The disposal of excess fuel and absorbent material
must be in accordance with your local safety office, EPA, state,
and local OSHA rules and regulations. Do not . . . repeat . . . do
not try and start this equipment more than twice as an explosion
could occur.
Open soap control valve (7), wait a few minutes
until soap appears at cleaning nozzle, and adjust to
desired mixture. Approximately ¼ to ½ turn open is
recommended starting point. Adjust counterclockwise
to increase concentration.
Refer to paragraph 2-9 for instructions on how to add soap
solution. The soap concentration can be varied as follows:
Minimum (5% concentration) two lbs soap to five gallons water.
Minimum (10% concentration) four lbs soap to five gallons water.
Each mark (hole) on soap tank gage is equivalent to 1½ gallons.
If more volume is required, move lever of
selector valve (8) to HIGH position (vertical) and turn
on high burner switch (3). This provides 600 GPH.
Due to extreme pressure velocity at 600 GPH two operators are
recommended to be present during 600 GPH operating
Low burner switch (1) remains on.
m. If one cleaner gun is to be used, the unit may be
operated in either the HIGH (600 GPH) (with a 5/16-
inch nozzle) or LOW (300 GPH) (with a no. 1 drill
nozzle) position. When using two cleaning guns the
HIGH position should be used per paragraph 2-11.
Adjust temperature and pressure control valve
(34) for either Vapor or Rinse. For vapor set at
approximately 325° and lower temperature for hot water
2-9. Adding Soap Solution
Accomplish steps a through i of paragraph 2-8.
Open soap fill and stir valve (9), close discharge
valves (32).
Fill tank at soap fill port (35) until tank is 2/3
full (or 2/3 of remaining capacity, if adding to partially
full tank) with water.
Turn off pump control switch (4), close soap fill
and stir valve (9) and open discharge valves (32).
Turn on low burner switch (1). Cleaner should
start providing 300 GPH.
While cleaner is coming up to operating
temperature and pressure, add required quantity of soap
Minimum (5% concentration) two lbs soap
to five gallons water.
Minimum (10% concentration) four lbs
soap to five gallons water.
Each mark (hole) on soap tank gage is
equivalent to 1½ gallons.
When cleaner is up to pressure (steam), repeat
step b of this paragraph and allow hot discharge water
to fill and stir (mix) compound.
When solution tank is full, open discharge
valves (32) and close soap fill and stir valve (9).
Cleaner is now ready for normal operation.
Refer to appropriate instructions.
2-10. Stopping (Refer to Fig 2-1)
Secure cleaning nozzle to avoid whipping.
Turn off low burner switch (1) and high burner
switch (3) and allow unit to run until temperature on
temperature gage (10) indicates 100° F or less.
Turn off pump control switch (4).
Turn off soap control valve (7).
Unit is now ready for restart. If not going to be used in less than a
half-hour, close all valves (8, 9, 14, 22, 32 and 33) and turn off
disconnect switch (20) (lever down).
2-11. Operation of Equipment
There are five different modes of operation for
the steam cleaner, 300 GPH per each gun, one or two
guns with steam vapor, 600 GPH one gun with steam
vapor, and hot or cold rinse. The instructions for each
of these follows.