TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
Mark fan-end plate, pump-end plate, and motor casing with
matching punch pricks for ease of reassembly.
(17) Strike fan-end plate with a soft-face mallet to break its bond. Remove fan-end plate (13) from motor
casing (25).
(18) Remove wavy washer (14) from rotor shaft (18).
(19) Use bearing press/puller and remove bearing (24) from rotor shaft (18).
(20) If still in place from pump removal, remove shaft key (15) from rotor shaft (18).
If rotor shaft is damaged it will not balance properly. Take care
not to bend rotor shaft when removing from motor casing.
(21) Remove pump end plate (16) with rotor shaft (18) attached, from motor casing (25).
(22) Remove four screws (17) from bearing cover plate (22) and pump-end plate (16).
(23) Remove rotor shaft (18) from pump-end plate (16).
(24) Remove seal (19) from pump-end plate (16). Discard seal (19).
If rotor shaft is damaged it will not balance properly. Take care
not to bend rotor shaft when removing bearing lock ring.
(25) Use bearing press/puller to remove bearing lock ring (20) from rotor shaft (18).
(26) With a bearing press/puller, remove pump-end bearing (21) from rotor shaft (18).
(27) Remove bearing cover plate (22) from rotor shaft (18).
(28) If necessary, remove grease fittings (26) from fan-end plate (13) and pump-end plate (16).
(29) If necessary, remove eye bolt (23) from motor casing (25).