TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(2) Record damage for later repair.
(3) Check motor casing coils and leads for damage to insulation and wires. Check for signs of overheated
coils, deteriorated coil end bindings and lashings, and missing or broken coil retainer strips.
(4) Check ball bearings for flat spots or lateral play.
(5) Inspect wavy washer for damage.
e. Component Tests.
(1) Using an ohmmeter, make resistance, short, and ground checks on motor casing coils. (Refer to
schematic, figure 1-1 2.)
(2) If coils do not test properly, send motor to next higher level of maintenance.
f. Repair or Replace.
Replace all used gaskets, seals, and O-rings.
Replace all damaged nuts, bolts, screws, washers, shaft keys, Woodruff keys, and wavy washers.
Replace damaged, worn, or unserviceable ball bearing assemblies.
Repack serviceable clean bearings with fresh bearing grease.
Deburr rotor shaft and remove any residue by buffing with fine emery cloth.
Straighten bent or dented cooling fan blades and ventilation louvers.
Replace damaged, unrepairable, or unserviceable motor casing assembly.
Send unserviceable backwash pump motor assembly to next higher level of maintenance.
Repaint, as needed, in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.
g. Reassembly. (Figure 3-8
(1) If necessary, install eyebolt (23) in motor casing (25).
(2) If necessary, install two grease fittings (26) in fan-end plate (13) and pump-end plate (16).
(3) Press fan-end bearing (24) on rotor shaft (18).
(4) Slide bearing cover plate (22) on rotor shaft (18).