TM 10-4610-232-12
If the ROWPU van is to be shipped by air or if the van or high pressure pump assembly is to
be removed from the trailer for any reason, notify unit maintenance so that interconnecting
hoses between the van and high pressure pump assembly can be disconnected and other
pre-shipment service performed.
Preparation for Packing System Components.
Make sure the circuit breaker for the raw water and distribution pump is turned off prior to
proceeding. If the cold weather kit is in use make sure the circuit breaker for the heat lamp
is turned off. Failure to do so could result in electrocution.
Disconnect and coil all electrical cables and ground wire. Cap electrical outlets.
Pull and disassemble ground rods.
Pull in the anchor, intake strainer, and raw water suction hose sections using anchor rope.
All three crewmembers may have to pull on rope to disengage anchor.
Disconnect intake strainer from raw water suction hose.
Disconnect, drain and cap all exterior hoses ; coil canvas hoses, cap outer ends after coiling.
Deflate the storage tanks in accordance with the TM 5-5430-225-12.
Use straps to pull the raw water pump and carry distribution pump to the nearest access door.
Disassemble components for two cyclone separators for Model WTA-060 or components for one cyclone separator for
Model ROWPU-1 (Figure 2-29) and carry components to nearest access door.
Remove external adapters from the van. Cap outlets.
Packing System Components. Pack the ROWPU in the following order as shown in Figure 2-64.
Place contents listed in Table 2-31 back into storage boxes.
Install gate (1) (Figure 2-64, Sheet 1 or Sheet 2) on accessory table.
Stack cartridge filter boxes (2) in place at right side of gate behind control panel.
Use caution when handling the chemicals (polyelectrolyte, sequestrant, NTP-A, detergent)
and discard any chemicals that leak. High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) is never stored inside
the ROWPU. A special storage compartment located under the trailer is used for this
purpose. HTH is highly corrosive and is considered dangerous. Any packages that leak or
are partially opened should be discarded.
Place detergent jugs and chemical bottles (3) at the right side of the gate next to the filter boxes behind the control panel.
Ensure all bottles are upright when stacked.
On Model ROWPU-1, attach two straps #6 (Figure 2-64, Sheet 2) to hooks on the back of lab table and hang straps up
and out of the way. Model WTA-060 uses two straps #13 (Figure 2-64, Sheet 1).
Place distribution pump skid (small pallet) (4) upside down on table.
Place raw water pump skid (large pallet) (5) right side up on top of distribution pump skid (4) so that the two skids interlock
and lay flat against each other on the lab table.
Change 12 2-130.1