TM 10-4610-232-12
Storage box #1 contains chemicals (Sodium Bisulfite and Citric Acid) used in the treatment
process. Discard either of these chemicals if the packages leak. Always note any chemical
shortages on the component hand receipt and the shortage annex (DA Form 2062).
Place storage box #1 (18) on lab table next to storage box #2 (19), leaving enough room between the boxes to store the
heat lamp cables.
· Do not disconnect the heat lamp cables from the heat lamp assemblies.
· If electrical cables am not rolled correctly, packing will be extremely difficult. Ensure all
cables are rolled large and even with the width of the lab table.
Position the raw water pump heat lamp (20) in the rear on top of storage box #1 (18) so the lamp faces clean/flush tank.
Roll and position the electrical cable upright between storage boxes #1 (18) and #2 (19).
Position the distribution pump heat lamp (21) in the front on top of storage box #1 (18) so lamp faces clean/flush tank.
Roll and position the electrical cable upright next to raw water pump heat lamp cable between boxes #1 (18) and #2 (19).
Roll and position the raw water pump extension cord (22) and raw water pump heat lamp extension cord (23) around both
heat lamps (20, 21).
Attach strap #1 (Model ROWPU-1) or strap #9 (Model WTA-060) to the front of the lab table and then take the strap
through the storage box and heat lamp handles and securely fasten to the back side of the lab table. Unhook strap #1 or
strap #9 from front of table. Twist strap #1 or strap #9 close to the hook assembly, then reattach strap #1 or strap #9 to
the underside of the lab table. Tighten strap #1 or strap #9.
Neatly fold and position the raw water pump and distribution pump coves (24) on top of storage box #2 (19).
Position CO monitor test kit (25) to the rear and on top of covers (24).
Fold and stack the three ground cloths (26) together behind storage boxes #3 (16) and #4 (17).
Stack the three tank repair kits (27) on lab table behind storage boxes #3 (16) and #4 (17) and to the right of ground
cloths (26).
Attach two straps #3 (Model ROWPU-1) or two straps #10 (Model WTA-060) (Figure 2-64, Sheet 3) to floor hooks located
just below lab table. Drape straps #3 or #10 over storage boxes until ready for use.
The raw water and distribution pump suction hoses must not be touching or resting on or
near the chemical injection pumps. This will damage the pumps when the ROWPU is being
Ensure that all raw water and distribution pump suction hoses are interlocked before they
are placed inside the ROWPU.
Position and stagger stack three raw water suction hoses (28) in the center of the floor between the four strap hooks.
Neatly roll two sump drain hoses w/fittings (29) and place in the very center of the three stacked suction hoses (28)
allowing clear space at the ends of the inside stack.
Stagger stack two more raw water suction hoses (28) on top of the three stacked suction hoses (28).
Change 12 2-130.3