TM 10-4610-232-34
Table 2-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
1. Chlorine mixer does not work. (Ref. Schematic diagram FO-1, sheet 8, schematic line 820).
Shut down ROWPU and generator. Refer to the electrical drawings in Appendix D. Check continuity, point-to-point
T1(X1) (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 10) to J12B, Repeat the procedure from T1(2X) to J12J (REF:
Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 9).
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace circuit breaker CB7 or CB9 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 8) if open (para.
(c) Replace switch PB3 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 11) if open (para. 2-22).
(d) Replace/repair connector J12 if faulty (para. 2-21).
1. Control circuit breaker (115 VAC) keeps tripping.
Step 7.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Shut down ROWPU and generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D and determine which breaker
keeps tripping.
Reset circuit breaker. If breaker wil not stay set, replace breaker (para. 2-23).
Isolate portion of circuit which is grounded by disconnecting each connector attached to the control panel
which ties back to the affected breaker. Panel must be powered up for this step.
Circuit breakers 11,13 and 14 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 8) are ground
fault breakers, High humidity or moisture around devices controlled by these breakers
may occasionally cause trouble. Check that atmospheric moisture is not causing the
tripping, by drying out anything controlled by these breakers.
If the breakers stay set when a particular connector is disconnected, check the devices attached to that
connector, which are controlled by the affected circuit breaker for short circuits.
Replace/repair any defective component or wire found to be shorted.
Shut down ROWPU and generator. Refer to the electrical schematic drawings in Appendix D and check
through the portion of the affected circuits which are internal to the control panel until the short circuit is
(a) Replace/repair any component or wire that is found to be shorted.
(b) Replace the faulty circuit breaker if no shorts can be found (para. 2-23).
2. Circuit breaker (440 VAC) will not reset.
Step 1. Shut down ROWPU and the generator.
Reset the breaker. If the breaker will not reset, replace the breaker (para. 2-25).
Step 2. Refer to the electrical schematics in Appendix D. Check for short circuits in the circuits that the breaker
controls both between phases and to ground.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire in the control panel (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace/repair any shorted cable assemblies (para. 2-18 or unit maintenance).
(c) Replace/repair any component that is shorted.
(d) Replace the breaker if the above steps do not locate the problem (para. 2-25).
3. Circuit breaker trips whenever its circuit is activated.
Verify problem.
Refer to malfunction 2 for corrective action.
Change 1