TM 10-4610-232-34
Table 2-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Step 3. Check high pressure pump inlet and outlet valve seats.
(a) Usually a visual inspection without removing the seats is sufficient to reveal seat problems. Only
remove the seats if a closer examination is required. Replace any seats that show pitting other than
minor surface wear, nicks or gouges (para. 2-78).
(b) Replace the pulsation dampener if high pressure pump repairs or inspections have not fixed the
problem. It only affects high pressure fluctuations and will have no effect on low pressure suction side
fluctuations which are controlled by the media filter and cartridge filter air blankets. Refer to those
troubleshooting symptoms and also backwash air solenoid leaking problems for continued low
pressure fluctuations. Refer to para. 2-75 for pulsation dampener replacement.
Cartridge filter fills with filter media.
Check for broken water distributor in media filter.
Replace media filter (para. 2-41).
NBC filter media (resin) In product storage tank.
Step 1. Remove NBC filter media from tank (refer to operators manual for procedures). Inspect NBC tank distribution
laterals and headers for cracks or breaks.
(a) Repair broken distributors by replacement (para. 2-58).
(b) Replace the tank assembly, if necessary (para. 2-58).
Step 2. Remove the product water backflow check valve (back wall, behind control panel at ceiling) and clean it out.
Reinstall it without t he spring and disc installed. Operate ROWPU and flush product water to waste until there
is no media coming out of the product water hose (it should only takea few minutes unless piping is plugged
with media).
Shut down the ROWPU and reinstall the spring and disc in the check valve. Return ROWPU to service.
High pressure pump assembly stable level leak.
Remove the high pressure pump assembly and remove the stable level. Pressurize the level to 3 psig maximum air
pressure and insert in a water tank to find leak.
(a) Replace the stable level if the leak is in the body (para. 2-79).
(b) Repair the stable level if the leak is in the hose (para. 2-79).
(c) Replace the stable level if the leak cannot be found as it may only show up at higher pressures which
cannot be checked without a load on the level.