TM 10-4610-310-14
0079 00
If voltage is present and no fault is
found at receptacle assembly,
1. Ensure that the distribution
Replace booster pump
pump and cable is
if motor starter module
for the distribution
2. Connect the dist. pump
pump (M4) trips
cable to the booster pump.
3. Turn on the dist. pump
Inspect pump switch.
Inspect surge protector SP 3
Replace if voltage is
present at the input
Check for 240 VAC at the input
and not at the output
(between wires 83 and 82) and
output (between wires 91 and 89).
Inspect soft starter SS1
Replace if voltage is
2. Pump light is on but pump is not operating
present at the input
With power on, check for 240 VAC
and not at the output
at the input (between wires 73 and
72) and output (between wires
83and 82).
Inspect motor controller module
Replace if voltage is
present at the input
and not at the output
With power on, check for 240 VAC
at the input (between wires 60 and
61) and output (between wires
73and 72).
Tighten loose
the output 6 of the PLC output card
connection. Replace or
2 (OC2) to booster switch (SW 2).
repair broken wires
and connections.
proper wire connections.
cable wires from the
generator and
reconnect them
0079 00-2