TM 3-4230-218-12&P
Place discharge ends of each pressure hose in can of descaling
solution. Install cleaning wands without jets if they are to be
Connect engine and heater fuel supplies and fill 32 gallon can
with 25 gallons of water.
Start decontaminating apparatus and establish a water flow.
Adjust water pressure for minimum indicated pressure (5-10
Position return hoses (pressure) so that they do not interfere
with inlet to suction strainer.
Manually start burner for 5-10 seconds. Repeat several times
until indicated temperature is approximately 35-40° C (85-100°F).
Mix selected descaler chemicals into warm water according to
Recommended Strength column of INITIAL SET-UP.
(Refer to
page 4-38).
Maintain pressure and temperature setting during recirculation.
Recirculate solution for a period not longer that two hours.
Observe water pressure gage during procedure. Excessive pressure
could indicate suction hose strainer blockage requiring cleaning of strain-
The descaler agent on the INITIAL SET-UP Materials List contains a
depletion indicator which changes color (from reddish to yellow) when the
active acid is used up.
If at any time during the first 15 to 30 minutes
the solution changes color to yellow, add one pound of chemical to the
solution. Extend recirculating time by 30 minutes - circulation is com-
plete when the acid remains a reddish color.
Before end of recirculation period, prepare a 5% (by weight)
solution of sodium carbonate to neutralize the unit, side by side
of the other can.
Prepare 25 gallons solution of sodium carbon-
ate to neutralize the solution.
When recirculation period is over, throttle engine back until
water pump stops, then transfer suction hose into soda ash
solution and pump remaining descaling solution (in system) into
descaling solution container.
When all descaler is pumped out, transfer pressure hoses into
sodium carbonate solution container and circulate for several
Perform steps (14) and (15) except use fresh water instead of
ash solution.