TM 5-4610-223-12
Three power cables, No. 12 AWG, 4 conductor, each 50 feet long.
Two power cables, No. 12 AWG, 4 conductor, each 6 feet long.
Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean cables with a damp cloth.
Inspect for cracked or frayed insulation, broken wires, or damaged connectors.
Replace any damaged power cables.
Description. The wiring in the electrical control cabinet is of branched-harness type, with individual wire code,
size and component designation. Wiring terminates at the toggle switch, transformer, ammeter, voltmeter, warning light,
buzzer, van circuit breakers, switches, motor starters, and receptacle connectors.
Be certain that the power supply lines are disconnected before performing any maintenance
operations on the electric wiring.
Identify all wires and terminals as the wires are disconnected to facilitate reinstallation of the wires.
Cleaning, Inspection, Testing, and Replacement.
Clean corrosion and other foreign matter off terminal leads and terminals as wires are connected.
Inspect wiring insulation for cracks, breaks, and other damage.
Test wires for breaks by touching probes of a test lamp to each end of the wire. Refer to wiring diagram
attached to electrical control cabinet door.
Replace defective wiring with new wire of the same type size, and length as the original wire. Always refer
to wiring diagram (fig. 1-7) when installing replacement wiring to ensure proper connections.