TM 5-4610-223-12
1. Knurled cap
2. Chemical solution feeder gearbox
3. Gearshaft
4. Motor
Figure 2-20. Chemical Solution Feeder Gearbox.
With float valve FV-18 (10) manually held closed, adjust valve CV-9 (3) until flow indicator FLI-4 (2, fig. 2-9)
reads 50 gpm, then with float valve FV-18 (10, fig. 2-13) manually held open adjust bypass valve BPV-12 (4) until flow
indicator reads 60 gpm.
When water in erdlator tank begins to overflow into effluent launder, level launder. Turn three leveling rods (8,
fig. 2-13) until water is flowing into effluent launder uniformly throughout its entire circumference.
Add 2 pounds of dry limestone and 1/4 pound of 2 quarts of prepared ferric chloride solution in downcomer when
erdlator tank is first filled. This will accelerate formation of slurry blanket.
A one quart enameled measure is provided for measuring the ferric chloride solution.