TM 55-1930-209-14&P-11
Follow procedure for editing level 2 data as used for level 1 in paragraph 36.2. First select an option and then
follow steps in the prompt shown on video monitor.
Time and date can be set either In level 1 or level 2 editing.
To leave edit mode at any time, press EXIT keyboard key.
3-7 Edit termination. When editing Is to be interrupted or Is completed, press EXIT key to return EMS to scanning
video monitor display pages.
3-8 Shutdown procedures
Main processor and video monitor are not turned off unless barge is to be out of operation for
more than 7 days.
For normal shutdown, pull main power switch OFF.
Check for damage or corrosion Repair, clean or paint as necessary.
Section IV. Operation under extreme conditions
3-9 General. For EMS optimum operating conditions, main processor internal temperature must be maintained between
32 and 131 degrees F. When this temperature reaches 125 degrees F, take the following actions
Make sure all ROWPU space overhead fans are operating and hatches and doors
are open.
If available, use additional portable fans blowing on the main processor.
In extreme cases, cover main processor with damp cloths and have portable fans blowing on main processor
If these methods can not keep internal temperature below 131 degrees F, turn off EMS during hottest part of the
day and visually monitor tank level indicators, gauges, flowmeters, etc, to make sure systems are operating
normally since alarm system will be shut down
3-21/(3-22 blank)