TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Table 6-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Shore Discharge System (Continued)B -BeforeD -DailyQ - QuarterlyD -DuringW -WeeklyS - SemiannuallyA -AfterM -MonthlyA - AnnuallyINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D A D W M Q S AAS NECESSARY6HydraulicPower UnitNOTEElectric MotorUse Mobil Oil Co. Mobilux #2, Shell Oil Co.Alvania #2, Exxon Beacon 325, Standard OilCompany of California, Chevron SR1 No. 2,or some military equivalent lithium-basedgrease unless a special grease is recom-mended on the motor nameplate.a. Lubricate hydraulic power unit electricmotor as follows:1) Replace one pipe plug on one endshield with grease fitting.2) Remove other pipe plug for greaserelief.3) Using a low-pressure grease, pump ingrease until new grease appears atgrease relief hole.4) Remove grease fitting and replacepipe plug.5) Repeat steps a thru d on other endshield.6) After lubricating both end shields,allow motor to run for 10 minutesbefore replacing relief plug.b. Lubricate hydraulic power unit motor/pump coupling as follows:NOTEElectric motors have a tendency to run hotand stop due to overload. Allow motor tostart automatically after it cools off.1) Remove both grease plugs.2) Insert grease fitting in one of thegrease plug holes.3) Fill until excess No. 2 bearing greaseor military equivalent grease comesout of opposite hole.4) Replace both grease plugs.6-5
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business