TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Table 9-3. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Electrical Power Systems(Continued)B - BeforeD - DuringA - AfterH - Hourly IntervalINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D AHAS NECESSARYWARNING10 hrsWhen using compressed air for cleaningfilter elements, wear face shield andclothing that completely covers thebody and limbs. Shirtsleeves must berolled down and buttoned and collarbuttons fastened.CAUTIONDo not clean element by bumping ortapping them on hard objects.4) Clean filter element with compressedair directed first inside along thelength of pleats in the element andthen outside along the length of pleatsand again on the inside. Filter ele-ments may also be cleaned with avacuum cleaner if element is not toogreasy.NOTEIf compressed air does not cleanelements, wash in a warm soapy watersolution. Rinse and blow dry.5) Inspect filter element by placing a lightinside a clean, dry element. Check forrips, tears, or holes in element mate-rial. If damaged, discard and obtainnew.NOTEIf excessive exhaust smoke and/or orloss of power continue after servicing aircleaner, discard that element and installa new one.6) Remove covering from turbochargerinlet inside air cleaner body.7) Install cleaned or new element. Placecover on body and lock in place withtwo rackover latches.9-10
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