TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Table 9-3. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Electrical Power Systems(Continued)B - BeforeD - DuringA - AfterH - Hourly IntervalINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D AHAS NECESSARY250 hrs 2) To avoid air pockets, add coolantslowly, at 5 US gal (19 L) per minute orless. Cooling system holds 5.25 USgal.WARNINGCooling system conditioner containsalkali. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.CAUTIONNever use both the liquid cooling systemconditioners and coolant conditioner ele-ments at the same time.Do not use cooling system conditioner orcoolant conditioner elements withDowtherm 209 Full-Fill coolant.3) Add cooling system conditioner toachieve a 3 percent concentration orinsert the proper precharge element.4)Bring the coolant level to within 1/2 in(1 cm) of the bottom of the fill pipe.NOTEWhen refilling cooling system, coolantlevel must be rechecked when enginereaches operating temperature.5) Start engine with coolant cap off. Addcoolant, if necessary, when enginereaches operating temperature andcoolant level stabilizes.250 hrsj. Test, as required, for defective glowplugs and replace as follows (on barges2 and 3 only):1) Disconnect the wire lead from theglow plug terminal on the HEAT-START switch.2) Install an ammeter with a capacity ofover 75 A, in a series, between thedisconnected lead and the terminal onthe HEAT-START switch.9-15
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