TM 55-1930-209-14&P-2
Lubrication. Lubricate seawater pump motor with three drops of oil in each oil hole. Lubricate cooling pump
motor with light machine oil in each hole.
Repair or replacement of system components
4-7.2.1 Seawater discharge pump assembly
4- Cleaning and Inspection
Clean exterior of pump with brush and hot soapy water or with an approved solvent. Rinse
thoroughly dry with filtered compressed air.
Visually check pump for evidence of cracks, corrosion, or damage. Remove corrosion.
Clean motor exterior using filtered compressed air or vacuum. Wipe off using rag moistened with
an approved solvent. Clean terminals and wipe wires free with lint-free cloth or electrician's
Visually inspect for burned, bent, loose, corroded, or otherwise damaged terminals. Inspect
wiring for breaks, loose connections, or other obvious damage. Tighten loose connections,
replace damaged terminals, and replace damaged wiring. Touch up paint according to
TB 43-0144.
4- Repair
Removal. Remove seawater pumps assembly from mounting according to the following procedures:
Make sure pump motor controller(s) are electrically dead before starting removal.
Open (OFF) switchboard circuit breakers P6 (ROWPU BOOSTER PUMP No. 1) and (ROWPU
BOOSTER PUMP No. 2). Redtag circuit breakers with: "WARNING - DO NOT ACTIVATE. REPAIRS
If seawater pump 1 is to be removed, close valves SW9, SW 11, SW1 6, and SW24. If seawater
pump 2 is to be removed, close valves SW10, SW12, SW17, and SW25.
Tag and disconnect electrical wiring.
Disconnect all piping to pump assembly and allow water to drain into bilge.
Remove mounting bolts and remove pump assembly.
Disassembly and repair of seawater pump. Disassemble and repair seawater pump TC-30 according to
the manufacturer's service manual in Appendix B. Use repair parts listed in Appendix G of
TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-18. Retouch or paint in accordance with TB 43-0144.
Repair of motor. Repair motor by tightening loose connections, replacing damaged terminals, or
replacing damaged wiring.
Reinstallation of seawater pumps assembly.
Reinstall pump assembly and tighten mounting bolts.
Connect all piping.