Inspect end cover
Inspect the end cover (3) for
severe wear, nicks, burrs and
spalling on the ground surface
that has the seal ring groove.
Inspect the bolt head recesses
where the bolt head sealing ring
makes contact for damage that
would prohibit good sealing
contact. Replace cover if any of
these conditions exist.
NOTE: A polished pattern on the
cover surface from rotation of the
rotor (6A) is normal. Discoloration
would indicate excess fluid
temperature, thermal shock or
excess speed and require system
investigation for cause, and very
close inspection of end cover,
rotor set, and wearplate.
remove & inspect
Remove drive link spacer/washer
drive link
(4). Inspect it for badly burred or
nicked ends that would interfere
with rotor and drive link rotation.
Replace if necessary. SEE FIGURE
remove & inspect
Remove rotor set (6), retaining it
rotor set and seal
in its assembled form, if possible,
to avoid an involved reassembly
procedure. Inspect the rotor set in
its assembled form, for nicks,
scoring, or spalling, on any
surface, and broken or worn rotor
splines. If any of the rotor set
components require replacement,
the complete rotor set must be
replaced as it is a matched set.
SEE FIGURE 8. Discard seal ring
check clearance
Using a feeler gage, check the
rotor (6A) to vane (6C) clearance.
The rotor should be centered at
the pencil point. SEE FIGURE 9. If
there is more than .005 inches
(.13 mm) of clearance, replace
rotor set.
remove & inspect
Lift off wearplate (7) and inspect
it for scoring or brinelling (dinging)
on the rotor and commutator
contact and sealing surfaces.
Replace wearplate if any of these
conditions exist. SEE FIGURE 10.
NOTE: A polished pattern from
rotor or commutator rotation is