Disassembly and Assembly
21. Do not operate a machine if any rotating part is
damaged or contacts any other part during operation.
Any high speed rotating component that has been
damaged or altered should be checked for balance
before reusing.
22. On track-type machines, be careful when servicing
or separating tracks. Chips can fly when removing or
installing a track pin. Wear safety glasses. Track can
unroll very quickly when separated. Keep away from
front and rear of machine. The machine can move
unexpectedly when both tracks are disengaged from the
sprockets. Block the machine to prevent it from moving.
23. Caution should be used to avoid breathing dust that
mat be generated when handling components containing
asbestos fibers. If this dust is inhaled, It can be
hazardous to your health. Components In Caterpillar
products that contain asbestos fibers are brake pads,
brake band and lining assemblies, clutch plates and
some gaskets. The asbestos used in these components
is usually bound in a resin or sealed In some way Normal
handling is not hazardous as long as airborne dust which
contains asbestos is not generated.
If dust which may contain asbestos is present, there are
several common sense guidelines that should be
Never use compressed air for cleaning.
Use vacuum or wet methods for cleanup.
Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
Wear an approved respirator if there is no other way
to control the dust.
Follow environmental rules and regulations for
disposal of asbestos.
Avoid areas where asbestos particles may be in the