Disassembly and Assembly
Rocker Shaft Assembly And
Push Rods
Install Rocker Shaft Assembly And
Push Rods 1102 & 1208-012
1. Install push rods (1). Make sure they are in their
original location in the engine and in position In the valve
Loosen the adjusting screws on the rocker arms.
This will prevent a bent valve or push rod during
installation of the rocker shaft assembly.
2. Install a new O-ring seal in the rear rocker arm
support bracket. Put 2P2506 Thread Lubricant on all of
the bolts that hold the rocker shaft assembly in position
except for the bolt that goes through the rear rocker arm
support bracket.
3. Put rocker shaft assembly (2) in position on the
engine. Make sure the dowels in the support bracket are
in alignment with the dowel holes in the cylinder head.
Make sure the rocker arms are engaged with the push
4. Install the bolts and washers that hold the rocker shaft
assembly in position, and tighten them until they are
finger tight.
5. Tighten the bolts that hold the rocker shaft as follows:
a. Tighten the bolts in number sequence to a torque of
156 N-m (115 Ib. ft.).
b. Tighten the bolts in number sequence to a torque of
250 + 17 Nm (185 + 13 lb. ft.).
c. Tighten the bolts again in number sequence to a
torque of 250 + 17 Nom (185 ± 13 lb. ft.).
See Valve Clearance Setting in Testing And
Adjusting. Make an adjustment to the valves so the
intake valves have 0.38 mm (.015 in.) clearance and the
exhaust valves have 0.64 mm (.025 in.) clearance.
a. install valve cover