Engine Disassembly and Assembly
Cylinder Head Assembly And
Spacer Plate
Install Cylinder Head Assembly And Spacer Plate
1100 & 1221-012
Tools Needed
5P9736 Link Bracket
NOTE: The procedure which follows was
done on a 3306 Engine.
When the cylinder head assembly is removed a new
spacer plate gasket and a new cylinder head gasket
must be installed. Do not use any adhesive or other
substances on these gaskets or the surfaces they
Thoroughly clean the spacer plate, cylinder head
and cylinder block surfaces.
NOTE: If dowel (1) was removed for any reason, install
a new dowel until it extends 16. 0 + 0. 5 mm (.63 + .02
in.) from the cylinder block.
Install the O-ring seal on dowel (1) against the
cylinder block. Install spacer plate gasket (2) and spacer
plate (3) on the cylinder block.
Check the cylinder liner projection height. See
Install Cylinder Liners.
4. Install the O-ring seal on top of the spacer plate
around dowel (1). Install cylinder head gasket (4) and
water seals (5).
Install tooling (A) on the cylinder head assembly as
shown, and fasten a hoist to it. Put the cylinder head
assembly in position on the engine.
Put 2P2506 Thread Lubricant on all the cylinder
head bolts, and install them until they are finger tight.
Remove tooling (A) from the engine.