Disassembly and Assembly
3. Remove nuts (4), the connecting rod bolts and
connecting rod caps (3) from the connecting rods.
If the piston and connecting rod assemblies are pushed
down too far in the cylinder liners, the piston can hit the
fuel injection nozzle or the intake exhaust valve which
can cause damage to the fuel injection nozzle or the
If the intake and exhaust valves are closed, it can be
difficult to push the piston and connecting rod assembly
down in the cylinder liner.
4. Push the pistons that are not at top center down far
enough to clear the crankshaft.
5. Remove main bearing cap bolts (5) and main bearing
caps (6) from the engine.
6. Remove thrust bearings (7) from the rear main
7. Install tooling (B) on crankshaft (8) as shown and
fasten a hoist to it. Lift the crankshaft straight up from the
cylinder block. The weight of the crankshaft for 3304
Engines is 65 kg (143 lb.). The weight of the crankshaft
for 3306 Engines Is 95 kg (210 lb.)