TM 10-4610-232-12
Remove four raw water discharge hoses (46).
On Model ROWPU-1, remove straps #1 and #5 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 3). On Model WTA-060, remove straps #8
and #9.
Storage box #2 (47) is permanently mounted on lab table. Remove storage boxes (48), (49), and (50).
Remove two heat lamps (51) and raw water pump and heat lamp extension cords (52).
Remove three ground cloths (53).
Remove raw water and distribution pump skids.
Chemical dispensing bottles (54) and five gallon water jug (23, Figure 2-24, sheet 2) stay in place for use in start up.
RO element pusher (55) stays in position under table until used. Store raw water and distribution coves (56) behind
control panel until used.
The cleaning heat-up hose remains in the van.
Figure 2-26. Unloading Distribution Pump
Figure 2-26.1. Handrail Installation
Setup handrail on raw waterside ISO shelter door (Figure 2-26.1).
Remove pins (1) and side handrail (2) out of brackets (3).
Replace handrail (2) in bracket (4) so it is at a 90' angle to the door.
Replace pins (1) on brackets (4).
Deploy (Set-Up) Raw Water Intake System.
Use the shoulder straps (Figure 2-25) to pull the raw water pump (1, Figure 2-27) into place. Make sum pump location
is within limits shown on Figure 2-22 and upstream of cyclone separator if water source is a river or has prevailing flow.
Make note of tidal or river flood conditions and keep the pump located beyond the reach of
the water.
· Keep the following in mind:
· Place intake in center of narrow rivers in deep water
· Place intake at least 50 ft (15 m) from shore in wide rivers.
· Place intake as far out as possible at ocean beaches.
· Place pump less than 30 ft (9 m) from waters edge.
· Flat tidal beaches may require moving the pump according to tide conditions.
Change 12 2-57