TM 10-4610-232-12
Connect lengths of suction hose (3) required to reach intake point. Attach one end of hose to intake strainer. Keep
sand and dirt out of connectors. Be sure gaskets are in place, and connectors are tight.
Tightly cap raw water pump end of hose so air s trapped inside hose.
Snap the end of the rope to the intake strainer eye and tie the free end to the suction hose.
Carefully coil rope to prevent tangling when anchor is deployed.
Other crew members must stand clear when anchor is being deployed.
Deploy anchor (Figure 2-28).
Gain good footing near the waters edge.
Be sure rope is free to play out.
Throw anchor underhand into water source.
Pull slowly on the rope and feel for the anchor to grab. If t does not grab, repeat anchor deployment throwing it
into an adjacent location.
Figure 2-28. Deploy Anchor
Untie the free end of the rope from the suction hose. One crew member pulls free end of rope as another feeds out
intake strainer and suction hose into water. When intake strainer is in desired position, uncap last hose. Hose will sink.
Tie free end of anchor rope to raw water pump frame to secure the anchor (Figure 2-27).
Connect or disconnect remaining suction hose sections (3) as required to obtain proper length. Connect raw water
suction hose (3) to raw water pump (1).
Install pipe section (12 for Model WTA-060 or 13 for Model ROWPU-1) to raw water pump (1) discharge.
Connect raw water pump discharge hoses (6) to the pipe section (12 for Model WTA-060 or 13 for Model ROWPU-1)
and lay out to location selected for the two separators (7) for Model WTA-060 or the single separator (14) installed on
the trailer for Model ROWPU-1.
Make sure the circuit breaker for the raw water pump is turned off. Failure to do so could
result in electrocution.
Keep dirt and sand out of electrical connectors to prevent damage. Be sure connectors are
locked tightly together.
Connect power cable first at pump motor, then at power outlet on ROWPU van.
Uncoil and connect electrical cable sections (9) from raw water pump to raw water pump power outlet (10).
Change 12 2-59