TM 10-4610-310-14
0068 00
Check surge protector (SP14) fault
light to see if it is on.
Check surge protector (SP21) fault
light to see if it is on.
Tighten any loose connections.
Repair and replace any broken or
wire 18 and the PLC input 14.
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
doesn't exists in the wire.
3. Backwash Cycle components -
Check PLC
Check high-pressure shutdown
4. Backwash down 1st UF vessel
5. Backwash down 2nd UF vessel
6. Backwash down 3rd UF vessel
Troubleshoot solenoid valve V3C
7. Backwash up 1st UF vessel
Troubleshoot solenoid valve V2A
8. Backwash up 2nd UF vessel
Troubleshoot solenoid valve V2B
9. Backwash up 3rd UF vessel
Troubleshoot solenoid valve V2C
Troubleshoot BOOSTER pump
switch (SW2).
Put switch (SW2) in auto position.
If input light 13 is energized on the
PLC wire 17 is OK. Else, check
Tighten any loose connections.
connections of wire 17 on input 13
Repair and replace any broken or
of the PLC from the PLC to the
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
booster pump switch, and check for
doesn't exists in the wire.
With power off, check connections
Tighten any loose connections.
of wire 39 on output 11 of the PLC
from the PLC to the booster pump
Repair and replace any broken or
10. Fast flush cycle components
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
switch, and check for continuity
from the PLC to the switch.
doesn't exists in the wire.
With power off, check connections
Tighten any loose connections.
of wire 45 from the switch to the
Repair and replace any broken or
motor starter (M2), and check for
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
doesn't exists in the wire.
Check surge protector (SP14) fault
light to see if it is on.
Tighten any loose connections.
Check continuity of the wire 17
Repair and replace any broken or
between the switch (SW2) and
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
doesn't exists in the wire.
0068 00-3