TM 10-4610-310-14
0068 00
With power off, check connection
Tighten any loose connections.
Repair and replace any broken or
on the control relay (CR2).
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
doesn't exists in the wire.
With power off, check connection
Tighten any loose connections.
Repair and replace any broken or
control relay (CR2) to the junction
box on the high-pressure pump
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
doesn't exists in the wire.
With power on, check surge
protector (SP15) fault light to see if
it is on.
Check PLC.
- continued
If output light 0 on the PLC is
energized (meaning the control
relay should be energized). With
If not present repair or replace the
power on, check the voltage at wire
break in the wire 22, the PLC and
the neutral.
22 on the control relay to the
neutral wire 3 on the control relay
If the voltage of the control relay is
okay as determined above check
the contacts of the relay by
If not replace the contact relay
checking the voltage of wire 28 to
ground (120VAC). If the voltage is
present the relay is okay.
Troubleshoot BACKWASH pump
3. Backwash Cycle components
switch (SW3).
Put switch (SW3) in auto position.
If input light 14 is energized on the
Tighten any loose connections.
PLC wire 18 is OK Else, check
Repair and replace any broken or
connections of wire 18 on input 14
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
of the PLC from the PLC to the
doesn't exists in the wire.
switch, and check for continuity
from the PLC to the switch.
Check connections of wire 40 on
Tighten any loose connections.
output 12 of the PLC from the PLC
Repair and replace any broken or
to the switch, and check for
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
continuity from the PLC to the
doesn't exists in the wire.
Check connections of wire 44 from
Tighten any loose connections.
the switch to the motor starter (M3),
Repair and replace any broken or
burnt wires. Replace if continuity
switch to the starter.
doesn't exists in the wire.
0068 00-2