TM 3-4230-218-30&P
Generator/ Ignition System - Continued.
(4) Installation - Continued.
(e) Rotate crankshaft clockwise about 3/4 turn. Slowly con-
tinue rotating crankshaft until a reading of 1.5mm is
obtained on the gage.
At this reading, the piston is
2.5mm before TDC. (4.0mm - 1.5mm = 2.5mm).
(f) Using a multimeter set on resistance scale R x 1, attach
one test lead to engine ground and other lead to moving
member of contact set.
The lead (32) on the ignition point moveable contact must not be attached to
the capacitor while setting timing. Use multimeter to determine the instant
ignition points open.
Rotate plate (39) until points are closed and multimeter
resistance reading is zero.
Slowly rotate plate (39) in opposite direction stopping
when multimeter reading indicates infinite resistance (other
side of multimeter scale).
Tighten two screws (36).
Ignition timing is now complete.
Reconnect lead (32) to capacitor (23).
Remove nut (11) and dial indicator gage, install cover (3),
washers (4), and screws (5).
Install flywheel (8) on fan housing (9) and secure with
three washers (7) and three screws (6).
Install key (18) on engine shaft. Position fan (9) on
marked keyway and install lockwasher (10), and nut (11).
Using crankshaft retaining tool torque nut (11) to 32.5
lb-ft. Remove crankshaft retaining tool.
gasket (12), carrier (13), three washers (14),
three nuts (15), and ring (16), cover (17), six lockwash-
ers (2), and six bolts (1). Be sure air vane is free.
Assemble and install engine and fan assembly (page 2-24).
Install starter (TM 3-4230-218-12&P).
Install carburetor (page 2-42).