TM 5-4610-223-12
Van body
6. Washer, flat, steel, 3/8 in.
Erdlator tank mtg bracket
(3 reqd)
Lockwasher, steel, split,
7. Nut, plain, hex, steel, 3/8-16
1/4 in. (3 reqd)
(3 reqd)
4. Capscrew, hex hd, steel,
8. Lockwasher, steel, 3/8 in.
1/4-20 x 2-1/2 in (3 reqd)
(3 reqd)
Capscrew, hex hd, steel,
9. Erdlator tank
3/8-16 x 1 in. (3 reqd)
Figure 4-57. Erdlator Tank Top Mounting Bracket.
Secure bracket (2) to erdlator tank (9) with three capscrews (5), flat washers (6), lockwashers (8) and nuts
Refer to direct support maintenance for installation of the following components:
Agitator stub shaft and bearing support
Agitator shaft and disk
Effluent launder
Influent launders and downcomer
Agitator speed reducer mounting plate and agitator shaft upper bearing
(f) Agitator motor base