HOW TO CHANGE SPINDLE ADAPTERSOne of the unique features of 17" Key Chuck DrillPresses is that they come equipped with a lower spindleassembly having a 1 1/16" - 20 thread (A) Fig. 10, andthe Cat. No. 15-830 Drill chuck which has a threadedmounting collar (B) Fig. 10. Various spindle adapters,shown in Fig. 11, can also be adapted to the threadedspindle of your 17" key chuck Drill Press. Theseadapters are available as an accessory.The spindle adapters, shown in Fig. 11, along with theCat. No. 15-830 Drill Chuck, shown in Fig. 10, can beused on 17" Morse Taper Drill Presses when the lowerspindle cartridge (Part No. 402-07-301-5001 is installedin the drill press instead of the standard #2 Morse TaperSpindle Cartridge.When removing either the chuck or the spindle adapters,we recommend the use of the Cat. No. 15838 spannerwrench which is supplied with Key Chuck Drill Presses.Turn the locking collar of the adapter or chuck with thespanner wrench while keeping the spindle from turningby either holding belt or holding the chuck with the-chuckkey in one of the pilot holes in the nose of the chuck, asshown in Fig. 12.When attaching adapters to the spindle, it is veryimportant to wipe clean both the spindle taper and taperhole in adapter. Then place the adapter on the spindleand tighten the locking collar (A) Fig. 12.If in checking the spindle for accuracy, there should be arun out, we suggest that the adapter be removed andturned perhaps one quarter or one-half turn andreplaced. This may reduce or eliminate the run out, itmay also increase it, in which case, remove the adapterand turn it some more on the spindle.LUBRICATIONThe quill and pinion gear should be lubricatedoccasionally with medium oil in the oil hole provided onthe right hand side of the drill press head.The spindle return clock spring should be oiled twice ayear using light machine oil.The raising mechanism support collar should belubricated with medium oil applied to periphery of thecolumn.The spindle splines should be lubricated every threemonths with SAE-140 Gear Oil.NOTE: The bearings of Rockwell motors are greasesealed for life and need no further lubrication. DONOT USE OIL ON MOTOR.Fig. 10Fig. 11Fig. 127
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