TM 10-4610-310-14
0022 00
2. Ensure that the circuit breaker (CB1) is at OFF.
3. Ensure that all the ball valves on the inlet and outlet spool pieces of the product and settling tanks are
4. Disconnect the booster service pump electrical cable 3 (green) from the control module and cap it.
5. Plug the raw water service pump electrical cable 2 (blue) into the booster service pump connection (J3) on
the control module. Cap the raw water pump connection on the control module.
6. Disconnect discharge hose from the backwash pump.
7. Connect the end of the raw water feed hose (green) to the booster service pump discharge hose (green)
feeding the UF module.
8. Close the settling tank outlet spool piece valve V48 and inlet spool valve V1.
9. Drape the 1-inch product water discharge hose from the chemical module into the settling tank through the
top opening of the tank. Close the zipper on the top of the tank as far as possible without removing the
hose, this will provide additional support for stabilizing the hose during fill up.
10. Re-energize the control module by placing CB1 to the ON position.
11. Prime the raw water pump using the priming pump.
Hypochlorite should NOT be added to the first pass product water or damage may occur to the reverse
osmosis elements during second pass operation.
12. Ensure that the Hypochlorite tank (T7) tubing is disconnected from the chemical skid.
13. Start the LWP following the normal operating instructions in WP 0008 00, and 0009 00. The booster pump
switch now controls the raw water pump. Do not turn on the raw water pump switch.
14. For the chemical injection system follow the normal procedures in WP 0010 00.
0022 00-3