TM 10-4610-232-34
3-4. AIR COMPRESSOR. This task covers:
a. Disassembly.
b. Repair.
c. Reassembly.
Tools, see TM 10-4610-232-12, Appx B,
Sec Ill, Ref Code (No.)
Tool Kit, General Mechanics Automotive (1)
Press (4)
Tool Kit, Compressor (Metric) (12)
Preformed Packings (TM 10-4610-232-24P)
Lockwashers (TM 10-4610-232-24P)
Washers (TM 10-4610-232-24P)
Equipment Condition:
Air compressor assembly removed from ROWPU
(para. 4-80, TM 10-4610-232-12). Air filter and
shroud removed (para. 4-78, TM 10-4610-232-12).
Air compressor external, first stage, second stage
and third stage components removed (para. 2-72).
General Safety Instructions
Observe specific Warnings in text.
Remove socket head screw (1, Figure 3-4) and Iockwasher (2).
Using two screwdrivers or a suitable puller, remove sheave (3) and remove roll pin (4).
Remove three capscrews (5), flange (6), tensioning piece (7) and sheave (8).
Remove four capscrews (9), washers (10), end cover (11) and preformed packing (12).
Connecting rod has an oil thrower pin on the bottom. This pin has a sharp point. To
prevent injury, cover the point with a rag when working inside the crankcase or
handling the crankshaft assembly.
Do not allow crankshaft assembly (phantom) to fall when end cover is removed.
Carefully slide the crankshaft assembly forward until it is free of the rear bearing (13) and oil seal (15). Rotate and
maneuver the crankshaft assembly until all three connecting rods (21, 24 and 27) are outside crankcase (31 ). Carefully
remove the crankshaft assembly from the crankcase.
Mark spacers, connecting rods and counterweight so that these components can be
installed in their exact location and relative position.
f. Remove ball bearing inner races (13 and 14) from each end of crankshaft. Outer races (13 and 14) will remain
in cover (11) and crankcase (31).
g. Press outer races (13 and 14) out of cover (11 ) and crankcase (31). Seals (15 and 16) will come out with the outer
bearing races.
h. Remove nut (17), Iockwasher (18) and socket head screw (19) and remove counterweight (20).
Remove connecting rod (21) and spacer (22).
Remove connecting rod (24) and spacer (25).
Remove connecting rod (27).
Pull the inner races of bearing (23, 26 and 28) with spacers (29) off crankshaft (30).