TM 10-4610-310-14
WP 0048 00
4. The meter is now in the calibration mode and a "CL" message will appear on the lower part of the LCD.
5. The date of the calibration can be edited now by pressing the DATE/⇒ key. To scroll to the correct number,
press the READ/⇑ key. The default blinking parameter is the month, on the left hand side of the LCD
09.02 DATE
6. To confirm the displayed data values and to go to the next step, press the CAL key once. A blinking "ZERO"
message will appear.
7. Take the ZERO FTU standard calibration solution, HI 93703-0, or equal, or turbidity-free dilution water, and
fill the measurement cuvet. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Measurement Cuvet.
To minimize any error introduced by the cuvet, use the same cuvet during calibration that you
would use to perform the measurement.
8. Insert the cuvet filled with the calibration solution, HI 93703-0, ZERO FTU, or equal, or turbidity-free dilution
water, into the measurement cell and press the CAL key. See Figure 3.