TM 10-4610-229-243-29. ALTERNATOR REPAIR (CONT)15Using multimeter, check continuity from terminal A to C on stator. Reading should be 0.16Using multimeter, check continuity from terminal B to C. Reading should be 0.NOTEReadings other than infinity indicate grounded windings. Replace stator if test indicates grounded windings.17Using multimeter, check continuity from A, B, and C to lamination. Readings should be infinity.18Inspect stator for possible discoloration in small areas indicating hot spots.19Inspect fan for cracks or broken fins. Check condition of mounting hole.20Check for wear on pulley drive surfaces, woodruff key groove, and bearing bore.21Inspect front housing for damaged threads, cracks, obvious bearing wear, and mounting bore wear.22Using multimeter, place one test lead on rotor body and the other test lead on either slip ring. Reading should beinfinity.23Inspect rotor for stripped threads on shaft, worn key slot, worn bearing surface, or scuffed pole fingers.24Replace rotor if it fails test or parts are worn.25Clean brush contacting surfaces with emery cloth. Wipe dust and residue away.26 Clean front and rear housings.3-60
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