TM 10-4610-232-34
Adjustment must be conducted with power applied to the main control panel. Be
extremely careful to avoid electrical shock. Failure to do so could result in serious
injury or death from electrical shock.
a. To determine
The FEED FLOW Flowmeter reads raw water input flow. If it does not read 102
gpm, Plus or minus 1 gpm, it must be adjusted to that reading before the rest of this
procedure can be accomplished. The high pressure pump is a positive displace-
ment pump and will always demand a flow of 102 gpm or the ROWPU will shut
down due to low pressure of raw water input flow.
The PRODUCT FLOW Flowmeter reads product water flow. The WASTE FLOW
Flowmeter reads waste water flow.
The sum of PRODUCT FLOW and WASTE FLOW must always equal the FEED
FLOW. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much product water (in gpm) is
being delivered to the storage tanks. Once this is known, the rest of the water is
known to be going through the WASTE FLOW Flowmeter and the adjustment of all
three Flowmeters can be checked.
flows, use the portable flowmeter attached to the product hose and the following example:
(1) If the amount of product water produced is 80 gpm, then the amount of water waste was 22 gpm (102 gpm feed
water, minus 80 gallons product = 22 gallons waste).
(2) Now, check the flowmeters to see that they read correctly. If FEED FLOW Flowmeter reads between 101 and
103 gpm, PRODUCT FLOW Flowmeter reads between 79 and 81 gpm and WASTE FLOW Flowmeter reads between 21
and 23 gpm, then all three meters are known to be accurate.
(3) If two of the three meters read correctly, but the third meter does not, the third meter is known to be improperly
adjusted. In that case, adjust the known inaccurate flowmeter.
b. Adjust flowmeter as follows:
(1) Refer to Figure 2-28 and remove cover (1) from the rear of the flowmeter by prying it out.
(2) With the ROWPU running, turn adjusting screw (2) clockwise to increase the flow rate reading or counter-
clockwise to decrease the reading.
(3) Stop adjusting when the reading equals the correct reading.
(4) Install cover (1).
Figure 2-28. Adjusting Flowmeters