TM 10-4610-310-14
0038 00
PROCEDURE - continued
15. Place the UF reject hose (red) so that the maintenance backwash discharge will be disposed of properly.
16. Route discharge to a container where it can be neutralized with sodium metabisulfite or allowed to dissipate
17. Turn circuit breaker CB1 to ON position.
18. Place the MODE switch on the control module in position 2 - BACKWASH.
19. Place the BOOSTER PUMP switch on the control module in the AUTO position.
20. Place the BACKWASH PUMP switch on the control module in the AUTO position.
21. Allow the LWP to backwash for 3 minutes (or until the solution inside the cleaning tank is used up.) Use
stopwatch from BII box to time procedure.
22. After manual backwash, place the BOOSTER PUMP and BACKWASH PUMP switches on the control
module in the OFF position.
23. Allow the LWP to soak for 60 minutes.
24. Place the MODE switch in position 3 - FAST FLUSH.
25. Place the BOOSTER PUMP and BACKWASH PUMP switches on the control module in the AUTO position.
26. The LWP will manually fast flush for 3 minutes. Use stopwatch from instrument case to time procedure.
27. Place the BOOSTER PUMP and BACKWASH PUMP switches on the control module in the OFF position.
28. Disconnect the backwash service pump suction hose from the cleaning tank outlet. See Figure 1.
29. Reconnect the backwash service pump suction hose to the fabric filtrate tank outlet connection.
30. Drain cleaning tank until empty. Close the cleaning tank drain valve when done.
31. Disconnect the UF reject hose and connect it to the UF filtrate tank inlet hose in order to direct the flushing
water to disposal area.
32. Place the MODE switch in position 1 CYCLE.
33. Place the BOOSTER PUMP and BACKWASH PUMP switches on the control module in the AUTO position.
34. The LWP is now in run mode. After 5 minutes, sample the water for chlorine content. This can be done at
the end of the UF reject hose.
35. Use the chlorine test strip to determine chlorine content. See WP 0021 00.
36. When there is no chlorine in the filtrate water, turn the BOOSTER PUMP and BACKWASH PUMP off.
37. Disconnect the UF reject hose from the UF filtrate tank inlet hose and connect it back to the UF reject outlet.
38. Reconnect UF filtrate tank inlet hose to the filtrate tank.
39. Turn the BOOSTER and BACKWASH pumps to AUTO and fill filtrate tank to full.
40. Turn Mode Switch to Position 2 (backwash) and backwash until filtrate tank is empty (to ensure chlorine is
flushed from backwash pump and hoses).
41. When the tank is empty, turn the mode switch to position 1 (cycle) and LWP can now be operated in the
normal mode.
42. Repeat the maintenance backwash procedure every 24 hours of operation, if required.
0038 00-4