extend timing10.Using chalk or marking pencil, ex-marktend the timing mark that is onthe end of coupling shaft (11) upthe side of the coupling shaft sothat the timing mark location willbe visible for alignment purposeswhen the coupling shaft isassembled into the housing held inthe vise. SEE FIGURE 41.install coupling11.Be-sure that a generous amount ofshaftclean wheel bearing grease isapplied to housing bearing (19)then install coupling shaft (11)into housing (15) seating it againstthrust washer (13). SEE FIGURE42. The coupling shaft must rotatesmoothly on the thrust bearingpackage.insert new12.Insert new drive pin (10) if it wasdrive pinremoved, into the commutator (9)drive pin hole until it bottoms out.SEE FIGURE 43.install commutator13.Install commutator (9) assemblyassemblyinto housing (15) commutatorbore. SEE FIGURE 44, The com-mutator must not be cocked as itenters the bore and the drive pin(10) must be in line with thecoupling shaft (11) commutatordrive pin slot indicated by thetiming mark. Engage the drive pin(10) protruding from the com-mutator into the coupling shaftdrive pin slot, rotating thecoupling shaft if necessary. Thecommutator must be below thehousing wearplate surface whencorrectly seated. SEE FIGURE 45.NOTENOTE: The commutator drive pin(10) and coupling shaft (11) drivepin slot, at this point in theassembly, are visible through thecommutator center cavity forcoupling pin engagement purposesin addition to the timing mark.CAUTIONCAUTION: Do not force com-mutator into bore. It is a close slipfit and must rotate.19
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